Ghana Rural Bank Computerisation and Interconnectivity Project (GRBCIP)

The Ghana Rural Banks Computerization and Interconnectivity Project (GRBCIP) was financed by the government of the United States of America through the Millennium Challenge Account (MCA) and managed by the Millennium Development Authority.

The GRBCIP went live in June 2010 with over 500 VSAT WAN sites spread nationwide with a state-of-the-art Data Centre. The first bank to be migrated to the Temenos eMerge T24 platform was Dangme Rural Bank with eight branches including the head office.

Over USD30m was spent on the project which was completed by the end of February 2012.

what has been done so far

The following were accomplished under the GRBCIP;

The Centre is currently being managed by 11 members of staff.
