
ARB Apex Bank is proud to offer e-banking services that allow 24 / 7 access to your account wherever you are.

ARB Apex Bank has a range of electronic channels tailored to suit all our customers’ financial and banking needs. By subscribing to any of our e-banking products you can securely access your account in any location at your convenience.


The e-zwich smart cardholder lets the customer perform electronic transactions at any e-zwich Point of Sale (POS) terminal or ATM. The e-zwich smart cardholder can access banking services at any bank throughout Ghana irrespective of whether that bank issued that smartcard or not.


E-zwich – payment distribution system (PDS)

This is an electronic payment system which facilitates secure and convenient distribution of SALARY, WAGE, or PENSION. This product is especially suited for employers who currently pay cash to their unbanked staff.

Agreed salaries or wages can be loaded by the employer at his convenience even on his business premises without moving to the bank.


e - Alert

ARB Apex e-alert service offers subscribed customers automatic notifications and early warning via SMS and email. The customer is immediately sent a notification of any transaction that may affect the account balance as a result of debit and credit balances processed on the account.

All you need to sign up is your valid mobile phone number and/or email address plus an account number from which you would like to receive notifications.
