There's calm at ARB Apex Bank - Board

ARB Apex Bank Limited has assured customers and, indeed, all Ghanaians that there is calm at the Bank.

This comes in the wake of media reports that there is an “uneasy calm” at the Bank owing to some issues raised by a certain ‘Concerned Staff’ in an anonymous letter to the Bank of Ghana.

A statement issued on Tuesday, May 25 by the Bank’s Board Chairman, Dr. Anthony Aubynn, in response to the media reports said the matters are being handled by the Bank of Ghana “and investigations are currently ongoing to establish the veracity of the claims”.

“The Board recognizes the enormity of these allegations being peddled in the media even before the Bank of Ghana comes out with their report.”

It said it cannot side-step the process by responding to the issues while the Central Bank investigates the allegations.

“We wish to urge the media to tread with caution in the publication of such unfounded allegations.

“Finally, we wish to assure the general public that there is calm at the Bank and our doors are open to our esteemed customers.

“There is, therefore, no ‘uneasy calm’ at the Bank as is being peddled.”

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